Na Stráni, Riesling, sur-lie, late harvest, dry, 2020

337  Incl. VAT

Grapes from the Na Stráni vineyard in the wine-growing village of Lužice. The wine was fermented and aged on all yeasts in medium-burning barriques made of fine-grained French oak by Francois Freres and in Seguin Moreau Caucas barrels made of Krasnodar oak for eleven months, without any addition of sulphur, with complete malolactic fermentation using pure bacterial cultures. The wine is green-gold in colour with golden highlights, spicy to mineral, with a wide range of aromas of meadow flowers and lime blossom with a very subtle touch of ‘petroliness’. Apple, lemon zest, apricot and marzipan on the palate, with a subtle barrel finish. A fresh, dry wine with harmonious acidity and little residual sugar with excellent potential for further bottle maturity. Unfiltered.


K tučnějším masitým pokrmům včetně uzeného masa, k lehčím úpravám ryb a drůbeže.

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  • Bronze medal Wine Bojnice 2023

Additional information

Weight 1.346 kg


Sugar content St.NM

Alcohol %

Residual sugar g/l

Acids g/l